Blog Post

SDTR Marine enters JDP to explore CCS with DNV for our 85,000 DWT Kamsarmax

SDTR Marine • Jan 17, 2024

On 16 January 2024, SDTR Marine and DNV entered a Joint Development Project (JDP) to conduct a Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) feasibility study for our 85,000 DWT Kamsarmax bulk carrier.

The aim of the study is to evaluate the economic viability of different fuel and technology strategies under various fuel and CO2 price scenarios. This is part of SDTR Marine's net zero goal, reflecting our drive to improve energy efficiency and contribute towards decarbonization.

“Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) technology aboard maritime vessels represents a significant advancement in reducing the environmental footprint of the shipping industry. One of the most positive aspects of this technology is its ability to significantly decrease carbon emissions from ships. The exploration of CCS technology on our vessels epitomizes SDTR Marine’s commitment to environmental responsibility. Showcasing our continuous efforts to explore various ways of reducing carbon emissions in maritime operations and operate more sustainably," said Gao Dehui, CEO of SDTR Marine.

The outcome of the study will be consolidated in an interactive dashboard, showcasing a diverse array of outcomes that capture economic performance per fuel and technology strategies over the vessel’s lifetime.

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